Duo Gueye/Carta

Duo Gueye/Carta

Federico García Lorca was, before being a poet, a musician. Through his neighbours and servants, the people experienced the most authentic contact with the music of his land, as he recalled on many occasions. The relationship with music continued during his adolescence, through his piano studies. Lorca's profound sensitivity for music found its highest expression in his poetry. In Lorca's work, therefore, music occupies a central part. This is also evident from the amount of unpublished material concerning his research work on popular song. In the complete edition of the works of García Lorca,  there is a first orderly compilation of his musical songbook. It is divided into three parts. The first, which is the best known and has the name "Canciones populares españolas", is the collection from which the programme is taken. In addition to the programme dedicated to Garcia Lorca, there are original compositions by Denise Gueye, compositions from the collection "Siete canciones populares españolas" by Manuel de Falla and a reinterpretation of Procesión from the Poema de la Saeta set to music by M. Castelnuovo Tedesco.